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Slaine’s subordinate - Harklight
A soldier of the Martian Army working under Slaine makes his appearance in the second cour. “A common Martian would feel repulsed if their superior was a Terran younger than them. Harklight, however, is a loyal subordinate whom greatly adores the one who lived through unfortunate circumstances, Slaine.”
P.S. какой Тарсис няшный в профиль

Slaine’s subordinate - Harklight
A soldier of the Martian Army working under Slaine makes his appearance in the second cour. “A common Martian would feel repulsed if their superior was a Terran younger than them. Harklight, however, is a loyal subordinate whom greatly adores the one who lived through unfortunate circumstances, Slaine.”
P.S. какой Тарсис няшный в профиль

что канеки убили и сасаки это канеки блаблаблашипперы рыдают орут не знаю что делатьперечитывать надо, вот